This Class Is Stupid–I Quit! (Questions 5 and 6)

Question #5: Is this class part of my Major?

If the answer is “Yes”, then you will want to asnwer the other nine questions before dropping this class. The reason is simple: if it is part of your Major, then you will have to take the class at some time or another in order for you to escape…er, I mean, graduate. If you ever plan on dropping a class that is part of your Major, always have a PLAN as to 

(a) When will you take this class again? (semester, day vs. night, cost per credit hour, which campus, etc)

(b) If I was barely passing or failing when I dropped this class, how will I pass the next time?

(c) Do I have support and resources for the next time that I take this class? 

Question #6: Who told me to take this class?

If you are dropping the class because someone gave you false information about the class and it has turned out to not be what you thought it was going to be then by all means feel free to drop it. But ask yourself this question: why did I sign up for this class? If your answer is “because someone told me to” then I would like to get your contact information because I have a white elephant to sell you. You should always know why you are taking a class–and if your advisor (whether it be an Academic Advisor or your cousins Pookie and Ray Ray) says why, then make sure that you understand and agree with their “why”. Your transcript will hae your name on it, not theirs–so know why you make the choices that you do or you will continue to pass your right of choice on to others and attempt to pass the blame for failure on to others rather than learning from this mistake.

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